Leopold Swim School COVID-19 Safety Plan
Aim: To ensure all patrons and staff are kept safe we will be following advice from the Victorian Governments Health & Human Services (DHHS)
COVID safe guidelines:
- All patrons must thoroughly sanitize hands on entry.
- All patrons must check in using QR code on arrival (manual sign in available).
- All patrons over 12 years must wear a face mask when not in pool.
- SWIM n’ GO – We encourage participants to have their equipment on (bathers, cap & goggles) before entering centre.
- All swim school participants – ONLY 2 guardians/ patrons to attend per swimmer (as per density requirements).
- All patrons to maintain a 1.5m distance between other patrons and staff.
- Designated entry and exit points (entry via front door, exit via rear door of new building).
- Changeroom facilities are open but heavily restricted. 6 person limit per changeroom. We strongly encourage all patrons to SWIM n’ GO.
- The centre will continue to be regularly cleaned twice daily.
Any swimmer or patron that has travelled overseas must self-isolate for 14 days and not attend swimming.
Any swimmer or patron that has been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 must self-isolate for 14 days and not attend swimming.
Any swimmer or patron with symptoms or signs of COVID-19 must NOT visit our swim centre until full recovery has taken place.
If you are displaying any of the following common COVID-19 symptoms, please do not attend the centre.
- Fever
- Coughing
- Sore throat
- Fatigue (tiredness)
- Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
If your swimmer’s school, early learning centre, daycare or kindergarten is closed due to COVID, you are NOT permitted to attend until that facility has been cleared by authorities.
The centre must be notified if you test positive of COVID-19 so we can respond quickly. We need to notify the health authorities for directives.